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Fluency with Junie B!

Rationale: When we are developing into strong readers, one of the most important goals is to be more fluent when reading. To be fluent means having the ability to read words accurately and automatically. Understanding the meaning of whole texts is much easier when you don’t have to spend as much time and energy decoding individual words. In this particular lesson, students will gain fluency by learning to read words smoothly, quickly and with accuracy. They will gain this fluency through repeated readings, timed readings, and one-minute reads. We will see their improvement through the repeated readings and will watch their skills improve.   


Materials: Dry-Erase Board and Marker (1 for each student), Fluency Chart, Class set of Junie B. Jones and a little Monkey Business. Stop watches (1 for each set of students),



 1.) Say: “In order to become great readers, we have to become fluent readers. To become a fluent reader means you can read accurately and smoothly. This also means you don’t have to sound out each word. Once you become a fluent reader you will be able to read books and enjoy them because you wont have to focus so much on each word.”


 2.) Say (model): "I am going to let you listen to me read a short passage two times. When I'm done, I'll take a vote on which time I sounded better. (Read choppily) “Thhhhh-eeeee  ddddoooggg ccchhh-aaaa-ssseeedd thhh-eee – cccc-aaaa-tttt.”  (Then read smoothly) Let me try this passage again. “The dog chased the cat.” (Ask for a show of hands) “Who liked listening to my first reading? How about the second? Why did the second time sound better to you? Right! The second time sounded a lot better to listen to because I didn't have to stop to figure out any of the words. That’s called fluency and that’s what you’re going to do today also”

3.) Say: "Something that is also helpful is if there is a word you do not know, you should read to the end of the sentence, because often times there will be clues that will help you figure it out!"

4.) Say: “Today we are going to practice becoming fluent readers by reading about a silly kindergarten student named Junie B. Jones. Junie B.’s parents told her that they actually have a big surprise for her, and she is so excited!! Unfortunately she is a little disappointed to find out it is in fact, not a present, but a little brother. What a bummer! But, it’s not too boring because Junie B’s grandmother has told her that her new little brother is the ‘cutest monkey’ she’s ever seen. Does this mean Junie B is getting a new monkey little brother instead? You’ll have to read and see! I am going to read the first two pages of the book so that we can start this story together!” Pass out copies to students and read aloud the first two pages to them.

5.) Write the directions on the white board for students to look at. As you are writing it down, explain what you will be having them do. Say “Now, everyone is going to get a partner. One of you should come up to the front and grab 2 copies of the book, a fluency chart, and a stop watch. The other partner can find a spot for both of you to read together. You both will be counting the amount of words on the 5 pages after we left off and will write that number at the top of your fluency charts.”

6.) Say: “You and your partner will each read those 5 pages 3 times while the other times your reading with a stopwatch. If you are the partner that is not reading, you need to be paying cloe attention th4 mistakes your reading partner makes. For ever mistake make a little tally.” (show tally method on the board and model)

7.) Say: After you have each read your amount of turns you will do a math problem that will actually calculate your fluency. Take the total number of words from those pages and subtract the number of tallies for each reading. Then you will fill out your fluency chart.



Fluency Chart (free download) (fluency chart is a free download)

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